
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Utrecht - Nov. 19th

I took another day trip to the city of Utrecht. Last time I was there was for the Nederlands Film Festival, so it was nice to walk around the city a bit.

A main spot in Utrecht is Dom, a large tower and church. The two used to be one cathedral, but because of poor design the middle part collapsed in the 1600s during a major storm. After the rubble was cleared the cathedral was never rebuilt, and the two structures remained seperate.
Under the tower, with my Romanian friends Roxana and Mariana.

Church courtyard

The cellars of the houses are right at canal level. This made it easy for sailors to deliver the goods to storage.

The old canal

The cafe we went to was built on these ancient Roman foundations.

We went to the coolest museum ever! It was the Musical Toy Museum and had all sorts of crazy musical machines. This is the one I want for Christmas.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My new roommate

Yes, I'm talking about the tree. I even got a Christmas flower.

And I put up lights that match my futon; now my room is the ultimate chill zone.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Lille, France - November 10-13

I took a bus to Lille. It's so funny driving through the EU; no border control, no passport checks. You just drive past signs with the country's name; blink and you miss it. It was funny returning to the Netherlands... When we stopped for a break I couldn't tell what country we were in (Flemish is similar to Dutch) so the only way I could tell we were back in the Netherlands was by looking at my cellphone to see if my provider was Dutch.

On my first day in Lille I was still carrying by huge backpack, so we went to a movie and saw Little Miss Sunshine, it was damn funny. I also got to practice my French ordering baguettes and wine, but the damn French made no effort to speak English when I was stuck. And if I said something in French, they would just repeat what I said for no reason; to further stress me out I guess.

The city was having a strange Bollywood festival; strange combination: French city and Bollywood. To celebrate they set up a huge monkey outside the Hospice Museum...

... and elephants along the main street

We were in Lille during Rememberance Day; this is the city hall. The French are very patriotic, which is good but strange considering they lose all the time. The ceremony was dull, and in French.

Lille was voted Europe's culture capital a few years ago, so we went to some of the museums. The major one was the museum of fine arts, seen here reflected in the glass structure accross from it.

Moi et Kelly dans le Palais des Beaux Arts de Lille

We also went to an art museum called La Piscine, because it was located in an swimming pool. The building itself was cooler than the art.

From Lille I took a day trip to Arras. The town's built on a bunch of caves that were used by the British troops during WWI.

A view of Arras from the city hall tower. It looked like an old building but it was actually rebuilt after WWII. It's now equiped with an elevator! The town was destroyed during the war and is now nicknamed "Hollywood" because often only the facades were restored.

French towns have this traditional parade of wicker people, which they then burn. Here are two lucky survivors on display at the city hall.

It was a fun trip, but it was nice to come home. It's cool to say "I'm going home... to a Amsterdam"

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Museum Night, The Matrix and France

Even though I live in Amsterdam, the coolest city in the world, you can't help getting sucked into the routine that is daily life. The last week of my life has been spent wrapped in an essay on the Matrix. It's great writing about film, and the Matrix, but when professors give no directions at all, it really becomes a loaded film to tackle. Needles to say, I watched the Matrix twice in 48h. It got to the point that I would wake up in the morning, tired and not feeling like going to school, and think to myself: "There is no spoon. There is no school". Even worse, I almost convinced myself it was true a few times.

We also had Museum Night on Saturday November 4th. Museums around the city were open until 2am, serving alcohol and many "what the fuck" installations. What I call a WTF installation is the advertisement of robotic guinnea-pig races, only to show up at the gallery to be confronted by a few scared and REAL guinnea-pigs. Obviously they don't have laws against false advertising.

But after handing my essay in today I can say "To hell with it, I'm going to France!" Actually I planned this trip a few weeks ago, I'm going to Lille to visit a Canadian friend. How cool is that? I can just go to France, it's only a 6 hour bus ride.