
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Utrecht - Nov. 19th

I took another day trip to the city of Utrecht. Last time I was there was for the Nederlands Film Festival, so it was nice to walk around the city a bit.

A main spot in Utrecht is Dom, a large tower and church. The two used to be one cathedral, but because of poor design the middle part collapsed in the 1600s during a major storm. After the rubble was cleared the cathedral was never rebuilt, and the two structures remained seperate.
Under the tower, with my Romanian friends Roxana and Mariana.

Church courtyard

The cellars of the houses are right at canal level. This made it easy for sailors to deliver the goods to storage.

The old canal

The cafe we went to was built on these ancient Roman foundations.

We went to the coolest museum ever! It was the Musical Toy Museum and had all sorts of crazy musical machines. This is the one I want for Christmas.


Blogger Unknown said...

I like your outfit anna!

2:59 PM  
Blogger Corina Milic said...

aw, great minds and whatnot.

I came to post: Anna, you're uber stylish.

7:11 AM  
Blogger Sand said...

Anna- you can expext that in the mail shortly!

(although it seems a bit over the weight and size restrictions as per canada post!)

9:55 AM  

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